Complaint Collection Project for Youth Residential Facilities in Nevada

Under a continuation contract with the Nevada State Legislative Counsel Bureau, NICRP accepted complaints regarding 30 facilities that house children across the state of Nevada . Included facilities forwarded all internal grievances to NICRP for summary and analysis. In addition NICRP had a toll free number and online complaint form available to anyone to file a complaint regarding any of the included facilities. NICRP collected this information until June 2007 and prepared a report analyzing all complaints received during the project period.

This project is a continuation of the “Study of the Health, Safety, Welfare, and Civil and Other Rights of Children in Government and Private Facilities in Nevada” funded by the Nevada State Legislature and mandated pursuant to A.B. 580 of the 2005 Legislative Session. A full report of the study was presented to the Legislative Subcommittee on December 7, 2006. To see the full report, click here.

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