Health Status of Children Entering Kindergarten in Nevada

Dashboard Overview

To gather data on the health status of children entering the school system and to better track student health status, the Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy (NICRP), in partnership with Nevada School Districts, and the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, conducted a health survey of children entering kindergarten in Nevada.

The goals of this dashboard are to longitudinally quantify the health status of children as they enter school and identify specific areas for improvement to potentially increase academic success.These data can provide local information to policymakers to guide decisions that affect children’s health.

Year 16 Downloads

Response Rates

The data displayed on all other tabs of this dashboard are weighted to be representative of the regions of the state and the state as a whole. Therefore, the responses received from the 5,514 respondents represent a total of 28,871 kindergarten students.


Source: State of Nevada Department of Education. (2023). 2023-2024 School Year Number of Students Receiving Educational Services as of 10/02/2023. [Excel] Retrieved from

Insurance Status

Access to Health Care

Support Services includes programs in the community to meet the child’s/family’s needs (e.g., food/bills, parent classes, support groups, etc.)

Routine Care

Medical Conditions

Dental Care

Mental Health

Statewide, 8.0% of respondents (7.2% Clark, 9.9% Washoe, 10.5% Rural) attempted to access mental health services for their child and 59.3% of those individuals had trouble obtaining them.

Weight and Healthy Behaviors

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