Study of the Health, Safety, Welfare and Civil and Other Rights of Children in Government and Private Facilities in Nevada

On November 16, 2005 , the Legislative Commission contracted with the NICRP to conduct a study of the health, safety, welfare and civil and other rights of children in certain government and private facilities in Nevada . The study included three primary components:

  • Analysis of the facilities’ policies and procedures that are related to the health, safety, welfare, treatment and civil and other rights of children in their care
  • Analysis of all complaints filed by or on the behalf of a child in any of the facilities, beginning with complaints filed on or after January 1, 2000, including accepting complaints directly during the project period
  • Conducting unannounced site visits at each facility, which included observational tours and interviews with administration, staff and youth

There were 30 different facilities included in this study which were divided into five different categories based on the primary function of the facility: Detention, Correction, Child Welfare, Treatment, and Group Homes. During the course of the study, NICRP collected almost 4,000 complaints, conducted over 30 site visits, reviewed 30 sets of policies and procedures, and completed more than 300 interviews with administrators, staff and youth. To see the full report, click here.

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